Of course the answer is: "P2P TV". Unfortunately, for this case only, I don't care if it's legal or not. Because as soon as someone can broadcast a match, I will watch that. There is a magical website for this:
We know all about sopcast. We've got gtk sopcast and qsopcast. You select a channel from the list or you copy and paste the channel links. These are all native clients so it's not a problem.
I've got this working properly except that fonts don't show. There is a simple workaround for this.
- You will have to open the stream with VLC or MPlayer or whatever your favourite player is. The network address is:
- Next, since you can't see channel names, you will have to look up for the order on the software's channels page and that would be: http://pages.tvunetworks.com/channels/
Here's a little screenshot of my proof:
This one needs a workaround for Windows, too. I guess their servers are banned or something so you've got to use proxy. The one I found that is up and working well is:
Then the network address you're looking for is:
Here's my screenshot:
Network address for this one is:
and here's my screenshot:
Network address for this one is tricky. The filenames changes as you change the channels. For example, if you're trying to open the first channel you loaded it's 1.asf, if it's the second it's 2.asf, so on so forth. For the first one the address is:
Here's my screenshot:
Linking w/ Epiphany or Firefox
After you handle all of these programs, you can associate tvu://, sop:// or other links with the matching software. Type about:config in your browser, right-click and select New > string. Then:
For sopcast:
name: network.protocol-handler.app.sop
value: qsopcast (or gsopcast)
For TVUPlayer:
name: network.protocol-handler.app.tvu
value: /home/your-user-name/Program Files/TVUPlayer/TVUPlayer.exe
For PPLive:
name: network.protocol-handler.app.pplive
value: /home/your-user-name/Program Files/PPLive/PPLive.exe
For Tvkoo:
name: network.protocol-handler.app.tvkoo
value /path/you/saved/the/file/viviplay.exe
For TVAnts:
name: network.protocol-handler.app.tvants
value: /home/your-user-name/Program Files/TVAnts/TVAnts.exe
Have fun!